
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Whirl wind May....

This month has been a whirl wind of excitement and quite busy.  However I think we all secretly love it!  First thing, first...Emma's dance recital was May 17th and 18th.  Being the crazy Mom that I am, I helped her age group backstage on many dances Friday night and Saturday morning.  I even watched a very long performance Friday evening and one Saturday morning.  I can honestly say, these dancers worked it!  I was so proud of our Emma remembering 7 dances and dancing wonderfully.  Since we are not allowed to take pics or are a few backstage, getting her trophy and a secret shot of the finally!

Then the day before school is out...the kid's school had "SuperGames".  It is a super-sized field day that the PTO fundraiser all year to bring in a company that sets up a ton of games.  This year both Emma's & Ethan's classes were in the morning so I volunteered to help!  I chose the potato sack races (since long time volunteers got the bounce houses.)

The last day of was bittersweet for us since our little Ethan is growing up and moving to first grade.

Emma had a 4th grade picnic the last day as well and Ethan and I stopped by to have lunch with her.  So much fun!

The first day of summer vacation, we met some friends at the Columbus Zoo.  Well it was really windy and not so warm along with about 10 other schools visiting.  However we still had a great time and got to see what we wanted to see.

Then that night Emma performed in the Westerville 4th Friday.  I love to watch my baby girl dance!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Spring is here!

This spring Ethan started spring outdoor soccer.  This is his second season and he LOVED it!  He tried in last fall and wanted to keep playing.  We signed him up for SuperKick..which is an indoor soccer skills training place.  He LOVED that as well.  He wanted to play more and more so we signed him up with a friend from his team at SuperKick in the summer for 8 weeks.  He will be ready for the fall!

Then we had Mother's Day with Erik's Mom & Grandma and Erik's 41st birthday but going out to dinner and some ice cream cake.  No pics of me since I am taking them.  Emma was not feeling well so we kept it low key.