I hosted a party last Friday in Ethan's class with some volunteer Moms to make a foam kite as a craft. His class has many kids with allergies so we decided to just do a craft party and we brought a gift for each child which consisted of a beach bucket, bubbles, bookmark and an activity book. Kids had a blast making the craft and having fun with their friends!
Then that Friday night and all Saturday was Emma's recitals. There are a total of 8 shows. This year Emma performed in 5 of them! Her main show with all of her dances was the 10 am on Saturday. Erik also performed with her with a father/daughter ballet with various dads and other dancers. He had fun and she loved it! Erik even had to perform the dance several times! Ethan was a trooper who sat through 2 shows and helped me backstage. We are thankful that The Kyre's (Sherry & Ardith) came to 2 shows and Emma's Godmother, Irene came and our neighbors Bob & Joyce also to see Emma dance. It meant the world to her! I think she was most excited about receiving her AG Generation warm-up suit for her doll! Another Mom found a lady who custom makes them and had her make many of them for several dancers and another lady stitch the logo on them as well! Here are some highlights: