
Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Over the past week, we have had Ethan's "End of School Party" for first grade and last Friday & Saturday, Emma's recital weekend.  It was a lot of fun but busy!  However I would not change a thing!

I hosted a party last Friday in Ethan's class with some volunteer Moms to make a foam kite as a craft.  His class has many kids with allergies so we decided to just do a craft party and we brought a gift for each child which consisted of a beach bucket, bubbles, bookmark and an activity book.  Kids had a blast making the craft and having fun with their friends!

Then that Friday night and all Saturday was Emma's recitals.  There are a total of 8 shows.  This year Emma performed in 5 of them!  Her main show with all of her dances was the 10 am on Saturday.  Erik also performed with her with a father/daughter ballet with various dads and other dancers.  He had fun and she loved it!  Erik even had to perform the dance several times!  Ethan was a trooper who sat through 2 shows and helped me backstage.  We are thankful that The Kyre's (Sherry & Ardith) came to 2 shows and Emma's Godmother, Irene came and our neighbors Bob & Joyce also to see Emma dance.  It meant the world to her!  I think she was most excited about receiving her AG Generation warm-up suit for her doll!  Another Mom found a lady who custom makes them and had her make many of them for several dancers and another lady stitch the logo on them as well!  Here are some highlights:

This Tuesday was Ethan's last spring soccer game for U7.  He had a great time this season even though it was a little more challenging.  He says he still loves soccer!  So we signed him up for summer camp in July at Westerville Central.  He will be with of his teammates so he will love that!  Here is a collage of his season:

Monday, May 12, 2014

May flowers!

This month has been quite the busy one but fabulous!  Last week Ethan and I went to his school for an Indoor Recess Project that the Otterbein college students were helping our PTO.  These are educational games they invented to help pass the time and was their final exam.  Most were cute but not practical in a small classroom setting.  However since I am the duty aide...I had my wheels turning maybe modifying some of them since this winter was a harsh one!

Of course Emma also had dance rehearsal too on May 2nd!  I did not take too many pics since I was helping with hair and make-up for the little ones.  So most are pictures other Moms took for me!  Recital weekend is this weekend excited!

Then finally it was Mother's Day weekend and Erik's birthday.  We celebrated Erik's birthday by going out to dinner Friday night and Saturday his Mom and Grandma came over for dinner to celebrate that and Mother's Day.  

Then there was Mother's Day!  We slept in, the fam took me to breakfast and gave me gifts!  This included flowers, homemade pottery, cards and gift cards to Old Navy!  I also took the kids to see my Mom for a few hours while Erik worked from home.  He is super busy but wanted to spend the morning with us.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


This year at school COSI on Wheels came to the school for 1st and 2nd graders.  I took the day off to volunteer in the afternoon to help.  Little did I know that it was a little involved in these stations!  Luckily we had cheat sheets.  I asked Ethan which one he wanted to me to volunteer and of course the one with the water is what he picked!

Good think my co-worker Molly and Ethan's soccer coach all volunteered so we could help each other!  My station involved making these paddles with different shapes and turning on this pool of water that has jets to make the paddles turn in the water and move the bucket up.  Very simple but you do get a little wet!

Ethan was over the moon happy to get to experiment and have lots of fun!