
Monday, June 30, 2014

June Coming to an end...

June has seemed to race by!  It was one of our busiest months of the year!  Emma had summer dance all month, Ethan had swimming lessons for 2 weeks, my birthday and my mother in laws birthday along with some dance shows!

The last week in June we had Vacation Bible School.  Ethan was there and I was the lead in making snacks.  Emma helped me for about an hour a day before she went to dance.  It was a lot of fun and Ethan had a great time!

Emma performed at the Westerville June 4th Friday with her competition dances!  So proud of her!

On Saturday, Emma sang and danced for the Pride & Spirit Show which honors Veterans and current military!  She did an awesome job!  We also went to a party at our neighborhood's clubhouse for a pool party with all the dancers!

Then yesterday was the dance studio's gala!  It was at a conference center on Polaris and Polaris Grill catered it!  Emma had a great time with all her friends and won the "most determined" dancer in her age group!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Birthdays, Father's Day and golf!

Another busy weekend for the Kyre Family!  Friday was my 41st birthday!  I celebrated it by taking the kids and a friend of Emma's to the pool.  It was chilly and a little rainy but the kiddos had fun.  The sun came out an hour before I had to take the girls to dance rehearsal.  Oh well!

Then Erik and the kids took me to O'Charley's for dinner and some DQ shakes later that night  It was nice to relax from the busy month and forget I am over 40 now!

Saturday evening Erik and I went to Bonefish Grill for dinner and went to the Hollywood Casino for our date night.  Dinner was great!  We did not win any money but we broke even which is okay with me.  The kids went to see a movie with their Grandma Kyre which is a wonderful treat for them!

Sunday was Father's Day!  Erik spent the morning cutting the grass and then we had a cookout with my parents in the late afternoon.  We also had a DQ ice cream cake for dessert which is Erik's favorite!  It was a nice relaxing day for them!

Then this morning after dropping Emma off at dance, I took Ethan over to Westerville Golf Center to go hit some balls at the driving range.  I bought him a club card where he can hit a bucket of balls each day until labor day for $10.  He had a great time and loves learning to use his new clubs!  So I believe we will be going a lot!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

So lucky....

Ethan has been taking swimming lessons for 2 weeks now at the Westerville Rec Center.  He is a fish so him and I have been doing swimming lessons since he was a baby.  He is now in Turtles but is moving up next year!  Very proud of our little man!

Today Emma was awarded $100 from the Westerville Rotary Club for picking out the theme of the Westerville 4th of July Parade!  She has entered this contest since she was in K.  So she had a luncheon with the club, her principal and secretary, her Dad and me at the Medallion Club.  She will get to ride in their float at the parade with 2 of her friends.  This makes up for not going to NYC with her dance studio the 4th of July week.  She is not required and we decided the cost was too much and we were going to HHI, SC at the end of July anyway.  She loves the beach so winning this contest and going to the beach helped!  So proud of my pumpkin!

Monday, June 9, 2014


Last Friday was the perfect day to go to the zoo.  Ethan did not have swimming lessons and no dance for Emma.  We arrived at 9:45 am and so did everyone else!  We hit the Africa exhibit first so the kids could ride the camel.  Well it was a 30 minute wait and $7 per person to ride.  But I let them so they will not ride every
time we come since we are members!  The kids loved it!  We wanted to feed the giraffes but the line was about an hour wait as time.

We did our normal way around the zoo to the polar bears, Asia Quest, the boat ride with Australia and then back to see the aquarium, eat lunch, penguins, reptiles and end with the Animals on Safari!  Then as we left we touched the stingrays for a fee but this is a norm for us.

It was a long 5 hour trip to the zoo but we loved it!  Ethan is our "soon to be" veterinarian so her loved every second of the animals!

Friday, June 6, 2014

May Came & Went...

Lot of things going on in the last 2 weeks!  Emma and Ethan both moved up in their grades.  Emma will be in 6th grade and Ethan will move to 2nd grade.  Wow time flies!

Emma also had a 4th Friday performance in Westerville.  It was a great night and loved watching my girl dance!

The last weekend was Emma's 11th birthday party.  She had 3 girls come over for a sleepover.  We first went to the American Girl Store to have the girl's dolls hair done.  It was a lot of fun but had to wait an hour so we killed time by walking around and eating candy.  Then back home for pizza, cupcakes, s'mores on the firepit, jumping on the trampoline, making a craft and of course movies.  The girls had a blast!  Hopefully she had a wonderful birthday since she received her fave gift which is Isabelle AG doll!