
Monday, December 22, 2014

'Tis The Season

This weekend was full of exciting events and is continuing throughout the week!  I hope I do not forget anything or anyone!

Friday was Ethan's 2nd Grade Winter Party and his class also collected food for WARM food pantry and new hats/gloves for needy kids at his school.  Of course I am the party coordinator but this year I had a co-lead who is fabulous and wonderful volunteer parents so it was a breeze!

Then Friday night as our family tradition, we drove through the Fantasy of Lights at Alum Creek.  It is always so beautiful and nice to drive through and look at those lights!

Saturday evening Ethan had his first sleepover at his best friend Warren's house with his other BFF Aedan.  They had a blast and Warren's parents even gave them gifts to play with to keep them busy.  I was worried but he really had no issues.  Of course they did not go to bed until 2 am and get up at 8 am!  Crazy boys!

Sunday afternoon, went spent the day at my Parent's house for their Christmas and also my sister Jessie, nephew Tyler and niece Mandy.  We had dinner, open presents and I brought supplies to make our flat gingerbread houses!

Then today was the busiest!  This morning Ethan had rehearsal to be an innkeeper on Christmas Eve at our church.  Emma and her BFF Emily had an appointment as Sweet & Sassy for go see Annie at the movie theater and get makeovers!  Erik took Ethan and I took Emma and Emily!  Fun had by all!

Then we ran over to W.A.R.M. to deliver Ethan's 2nd grade food drive items.  They collected 25 lbs of food!  Very proud of those kiddos!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Dancing & Decorating

This past weekend, Emma danced in her 4th show of The Westerville Christmas Spectacular for her dance studio.  It is always a little stressful week but she does well and loves every minute of it.  The dancers start rehearsing at the end of October until the show which is the first weekend of December.  There are 6 shows total.  Last Friday, the dancers perform 2 shows during the day for the community for fee...such as other schools come to watch, nursing homes, etc.  Then Friday night is a full performance and 3 on Saturday.  I help out backstage for most of them but Emma now does not need me as much so I mostly help out the little ones!  Emma did great and we are very proud of her!

Then on Sunday afternoon, we baked and decorated our annual Christmas cookies for friends and neighbors.  The kids love doing this every year and we will continue this tradition!