
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dance Competition & Pics

After a long day of driving this past weekend to Youngstown, I find myself sad it was over so fast.  We took the fam and including Erik's Mom to a 3 hour drive to the dance competition and it was a lot of fun.  The group competitions did not start until 3 pm and she did not perform until almost 6 pm.  However it was victory since her group won 1st place!  She was so excited that she got a medal and the studio got a plaque!  They worked really hard on their routine so they deserved it!  Her dance studio won many awards that night for all of their dance routines.  It was a great time by all!

This is a pic right before she performed "Walk Like An Egyptian"!
This is a pic after the award ceremony.
Emma in her Company Ballet I costume...
Emma in her Company Jazz I costume...
Emma in her Step One Jazz costume...

Emma in her Tap III costume...

1 comment:

  1. She looks so grown up in those costumes!! Where has the time gone?! Love that she loves dance!
