
Friday, June 1, 2012

Happy 9th Birthday Emma!

This has been a very eventful week and Erik was off of work for some of it!  Monday was Memorial Day and we ran errands and out to eat!  Tuesday, Ethan was not feeling well so took him to the dr and he has a double ear infection.  However we got the ok to take him to Chuck E Cheese for lunch.  Wednesday was Emma's actual birthday so we had our annual birthday pancakes, went to the park and then had a cookout with Grandma and Great Grandma Kyre.  Thursday Erik had to go back to work so I took the kiddos to the zoo which was exhausting but a lot of fun.  Today is Friday but rainy!  Everyone slept in so I think we are going to hang out, maybe do some art projects, it is free donut day at Krispie Kreme and then see what else we can get into! Tomorrow afternoon is Emma's birthday party at her dance studio.  Only 6 girls are coming but she is so excited!  One of her dance instructors will be hosting so it will be lots of fun!  Will post pics of it later!

I remember when Emma was born like it was yesterday.  She is my first born and the most scariest and exciting at the same time.  She was born 8 weeks premature and Erik and I felt so helpless.  My doctor and many specialists could not explain but I guess she wanted out early.  Luckily she was born 4 lbs 5 ozs.  Pretty healthy and was only in the NICU for 2 weeks!  I am so proud of my little girl and so thankful.

Here are some pictures of our week!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an amazing 9th birthday for her!! Love it!
