
Monday, August 6, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday to Ethan and Family Reunion

It was a very busy week last week.  Ethan turned 5 this past Thursday.  It is sad to see him grow up to become this little man but happy he is a healthy little boy!  I was not sure if I would ever be able to have a second child but with a lot of praying, tests, etc....he arrived!  We celebrated with a candle in the waffle and went to the pool.  Then his Grandma and Great Grandma Kyre came over to give him some presents and we gave him ours.  He loved getting Spiderman toys, books, workbooks, clothes, Legos and we gave him his own Kindle Fire....this way no fighting over Emma's.

Saturday evening we had his birthday party at Super Games in Worthington.  It has many bounce houses, climbing walls, etc.  He had a great time with family and friends.

Sunday was our annual Beres Family Reunion which was at my house.  My Mom is the 4th child of 8 and it was her turn to host.  I volunteered my house this year.  Luckily the rain held off and it was a great day of food, games and catching up!  I love being in a big family and getting to visit them.  I feel bad that I do not get to see all of them as much as we used to when we were little.  It was a difficult time since we have lost some of our family members but we know GOD IS GREAT and they are all watching over us.

Here are some pictures of our fantastic time...

1 comment:

  1. What a fun birthday! He is one lucky 5 year old! Such fun times and great memories with are so blessed!
